Understatement: Change is difficult (Part 1)

This update is so many days later than I originally wanted it.  I had hoped to get into a pattern of posting here each week after church before heading to the usual family lunch.  However, I have somehow ended up working on more pressing matters unexpectedly each time I've tried to sit down and write this.  I don't really like writing/working from my home because, mainly, there's no great place to do so.  I've got a room, and granted it's a fairly big room, but it's only a bedroom at the end of it all and somewhere along the way I gave up having a desk or any chairs in this place.  The only furniture to my name is a big wicker papisan chair with a huge round green cushion.  And it doesn't fit in my space.  So really I spend most of my time in my room on my bed.  Not always sleeping, but just online or watching TV or reading either laying down or upright against a pile of pillows.  Now I'm fully upright at the middle to write this, and that puts me on a time frame.  See, to sit upright and look down at my new laptop comfortably means tucking my right leg folded up under my left.  Thus, there is an inevitable countdown until my foot falls painfully asleep and I have to quit for a bit to restore circulation.  Ick.  Luckily, I've been writing about this completely inane first world problem so far and used up about half the time I have for round one.  The tingles have started...so that seems productive.

To be completely candid, I'm writing this in part because it's a procrastination of something else.  I should be working on my Spiritual Journey essay that's needed by Monday night.  But that seems a bit daunting to start, and like it's something I should put more thought and preparation into than what I do for these blog posts (mainly: not that at all).

I've been considering what to make this post about for days now, with no adequate self-revealing inspiration appearing from thin air.  Drat.  There has been one thing that seems to be coming up repeatedly from various sources, so I guess that's what you'll be getting this time.

Long, long ago, in a galaxy far, far away...it was last Wednesday, and it was this galaxy because that's where I usually have stuff happen to me.  In this case it was the first day of the official weight loss commitment.  As usual, I was late.  A week late, to be exact, because the weight loss competition going on for some of the staff at the church actually started a week before.  I just hadn't done anything about it yet.  So more than a week in to this thing, I got started with a massive overhaul to my meal plan.  Two days later I finally hauled my butt to the gym for the first day of the new fitness regimen.  Not my proudest moment, to start a week and a half late, but starting is still a huge step for me. Aaannnd...now I'm thinking about food.  Snack time, hold on a second.
Some non-fat, unflavored Greek yogurt with pumpkin seed + flax granola.  Also a tsp of honey to negate that "I'm eating sour cream and tree bark" sensation.
Okay, back.  Sooooo...yeah, dieting is more about me trying to shut up that little voice in my head that keeps saying "mmmmm, chocolate is goood" or "potatoes are amazing, you should have some" or whatever other crap it throws my way.  That voice doesn't seem to remember that I am fat, and because of that I feel bad and sometimes hurt both emotionally and physically.  So I'm working hard to drown that voice out.  I have access to group chats with other friends who are also trying to be healthier, I have my trainer and some friends at the gym, I sometimes shut it up by planning healthy meals that are new and exciting (I'm talking the epicness of "Fawaffles" here, be amazed), and most importantly I have scripture.  Clearly the Spirit planned for me to start this now as the lectionary called for a reading from 1 Corinthians 6 last Sunday.  There's lots of good stuff in verses 12-20, but the final sentence is a pretty great summation of why this pursuit is important: "For you were bought with a price; therefore glorify God in your body."

And now something important has come up, so this will be continued in my next post. Sorry.


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