
Showing posts from April, 2015

And We're OFF!!! a herd of turtles.

So the actual publicizing of this blog starts this week, so for many people this post will be the first thing you see when you visit.  Be warned: I'm a little weird.  If you'd like to learn a bit more about me, check out the list of old posts on the right hand side to go back to the beginning. If you're here because someone forced you to come to this site while looking over your shoulder to check your facial expressions, or because you already know me, I suppose we can skip some of that formality and jump right in. (And tell you're friend it's rude to read over shoulders...personal space and all that) So bottom line: you know that "still, small voice" we hear about all the time at church or in scripture?  Yeah, well, it found me.  And as many can attest to, if you ignore it, you often end up getting divinely thwapped over the head if you don't do as you're called.  So, since I like to avoid the twappings of the Spirit, I'm following the cal...

Shifting Focus

So I'm meeting with the Bishop and some of his staff members tomorrow.  After that, YASC fundraising will begin. In the mean time, I've been working on another major project that has kept me very busy.  You can learn more about it here . So, sorry this is short, but deadlines are only a few days away.  I'm off to continue editing web content, app events, presentations, videos, online surveys and responses, and to facilitate live training events for the service facilitators and attendees. I'll leave you with this thought to ponder:

How do I look?

As we approach the holiday of Easter, so many females are pondering their big question: What do I wear? It shouldn't be the biggest thought we have about the greatest miracle of all time, but for so many of all ages, it really is thought #1 regarding this holiday. I realized at a very young age that I would likely never fit the typical definition of "pretty".  Even in my ballet and dance classes, where beauty is paramount and grace is the goal, I felt less than acceptable.  It usually came back to the factor of my size.  Even at age 3, I was so much bigger than my friends and dance classmates that whenever we tried to play a game of leapfrog in warm-ups, many of the girls would literally get stuck trying to hop over me.  I'm not even kidding.  They tried, they couldn't, and they often ended up face planting into the back of my tucked down head.  It was mortifying.  Eventually, they just let the little girls skip me by walking around.  Not any be...