Churches and Temples and Money...oh my!
Anyone want to try and guess my least favorite season of the church year??? Anyone? Buhler?....Buhler? Well it's "Stewardship season", and I almost rather despise it at this point. I find it so frustrating, and for so many reasons. For example: 1. Stewardship should not be secret church code for a capital campaign. 2. Stewardship shouldn't be confined to a season. 3. The typical experience rarely challenges westernized status quo with gospel based instruction. 4. The typical English vernacular attributed to stewardship is wholly inaccurate and often completely unquestioned. Don't get me wrong, I have fulfilled a tithe my entire adult life. So I recognize that money is indeed an inevitable part of being a good steward, but I also feel that the biggest contributions I have been able to give to my church have always been non-monetary. For all the times we've stated that the church is the people, not the building(s), we continue to undercut this sentiment w...