Can you hear me now?
Ahh, General Convention. That triennial behemoth of Episco-nerds gathered together, mostly to argue (lol jkjkjkjk...but only kinda). The Young Adult Festival meets with Presiding Bishop Curry (Photo cred: Episcopal Young Adult Ministries ) Let me start by saying I had a great time, overall, despite some serious pain due to fibromyalgia and migraines. I got to catch up with some absolutely excellent folks that I love and adore. I was able to meet a whole bunch of new people who have now been added to that list for the next time. And I count myself as lucky that recovery time for this ended up being a 1:1 endeavor (i.e. a one week event, and it took 1 week home before I was functional again. If this seems ridiculous to you...welcome to life with Fibro, because that's actually a 50% improvement from my average). All in all, I enjoyed it enough to go back. Which is good, because there were enough things that frustrated me that signifies I'm probably going to HAVE to go b...