
Showing posts from July, 2018

Can you hear me now?

Ahh, General Convention. That triennial behemoth of Episco-nerds gathered together, mostly to argue (lol jkjkjkjk...but only kinda). The Young Adult Festival meets with Presiding Bishop Curry (Photo cred: Episcopal Young Adult Ministries ) Let me start by saying I had a great time, overall, despite some serious pain due to fibromyalgia and migraines. I got to catch up with some absolutely excellent folks that I love and adore.  I was able to meet a whole bunch of new people who have now been added to that list for the next time.  And I count myself as lucky that recovery time for this ended up being a 1:1 endeavor (i.e. a one week event, and it took 1 week home before I was functional again. If this seems ridiculous to you...welcome to life with Fibro, because that's actually a 50% improvement from my average). All in all, I enjoyed it enough to go back. Which is good, because there were enough things that frustrated me that signifies I'm probably going to HAVE to go b...

These tomatoes prove that God doesn't need me

In case you clicked because you know me and might worry a bit about the title of this post, let me start by saying, "I'm sorry. I kinda tricked you. It's called click-bait for a reason." This post contains many things, but the bottom line is that I am no worse off than usual, and am not in any danger of self-harm. Now onward to The Saga of the Kidnapped Tomato! So last summer, I got the harebrained  scheme to try and grow stuff.  I say it in this fashion because my forte has usually always run more along the lines of plant homicide by neglect, but I figured that, since my health makes me housebound more frequently than not these days, I maybe stood a chance of being here to tend to growing things.  So I planted a few seeds, and tried my best to remember them, and then failed most of them in spectacular fashion.  I may have been less than 50 feet away at all times, but they still died outside and inside my house like I was doing it on purpose.  Except for one...