Laying the groundwork
And now, for Part 2! (if you're not up to speed on part 1, it can be found here and I recommend that you wait at least a day after reading it to reflect before you come back to this post) So, for the most part, the entirety of this followup was drafted a couple weeks ago, just after the first one. The lectionary that Sunday held perfect inspiration and grounding. Unfortunately, I didn't actually get time to sit down and write this up until now owing to life happening. So, Yay! My sister is married!! And also yay, things have calmed down enough for me to get back to writing. Part 1 intentionally left off with some hard issues to face and some (hopefully) thought provoking questions to assess. The primary metaphor was of the body, and how the church, both corporately and by individual members, tends to self-amputate. While General Convention might go a lot smoother if the group was more homogeneous, I know it would not be healthier or stronger as a church. The probl...