Apparently I'm so bad at what I do most that it might kill me
So, because of my chronic illnesses it is rather common for me to sleep around 12-19 hours per 24 hour day. It's a bit more than most people, and it is actually rather sucky because it's not like it helps me feel good, it just means I don't end up feeling worse (mostly). What it really means is that I don't often have enough time in my awake part of the day to complete chores, self-care, or projects, especially when I am often driving and attending 3 people's worth of medical visits. Yesterday's visit meant 45 minutes of waiting, another 45 of prep time, and then they told me they couldn't proceed to plan without a pre-authorization. This is often my standard kind of day. So I do my best to keep a book/kindle/phone with me and fully charged to use while I wait. But back to the sleeping thing. It's what I do most, but apparently I'm really bad at it. According to my new pulmonologist, I stop breathing while I sleep. More than 34 times per hour all ni...