How I think of Healing
Today, I woke up after a full night's rest, but my body doesn't seem to believe that. My hands and arms are week and shaky, and it takes nearly all the strength in them to move my 2 pound laptop. Not all days are like this, though, and sometimes I wake up hours before my alarm with so much energy that my to-do list gets to die a swift death that day. I just never know which kind of day it will be until it shows up. So, today, with the recent release of Finding Dory back in the states (it's not in Brazil yet), I channeled my inner little blue fish to "just keep swimming". I made it to work to teach. I got here 30 minutes after the students arrive, but I got here (and I originally designed it so that I wouldn't normally take students until then anyways, in case I ran into trouble getting all the computer units up and going--which has already happened twice, so it was a good plan). This week, I'm working with the older groups to finish a lesson I had o...