I can't say I wasn't warned
I can tell quite a bit about how my health history has recently gone by some of the data from this blog. Such as: how long it has been since I last posted, how many times I've even logged in, or how many other people's posts I had backlogged to catch up on from other friends and YASCers. But I'm catching up a little. Also, to be fair, I've had a couple other large things that had taken more of my time and energy than I expected. Or, perhaps, they are taking the same amount of time and energy they always would have, but I no longer have the reserve pool of such things like I did before my health shifted. Things that once were a small part, are now large hurdles, and sometimes I can't make it through, much less on to other things as I used to. That's a bit beside the point though, and not actually what I came to write about today. I find myself frustrated with how focused I seem to be on all of this lately, and while it's not something I can safely ignore,...