
Showing posts from September, 2018

Too tired for a title

Post-church naps are always good Today, I'll be able to count on one hand the number of things I get done. It's just that kinda thing. I've been hit with a flare-up of fatigue (and other symptoms, but fatigue is the worst at the moment) since my sister's wedding about a month ago. I never knew, back before this all began, what it meant to be fatigued. I'd been tired, I think everyone knows what it feels like to be so tired you just fall asleep where you sit. What I've learned is that there are 2 major differences between "tired" and "fatigued". One, if you're tired you can rest or sleep and then you feel not-so-tired. Two, I always could identify a reason I was tired, like not sleeping well, or spending all day running around doing stuff, or having to get up early that day.  Fatigue means I've slept over 12 hours last night, and I'm multiple cups of coffee into my day, and I'm still about to fall asleep. Those things I s...