
Showing posts from March, 2015

The Tools of the Trade

So over the past couple of weeks, I've been stalked by a particular song.  It would be the first on the radio when I started my car, and it's catchy.  I found it stuck circling in my head, a small ribbon of a melody entwined through my thoughts for days at a time.  And just when I could finally get it out, I'd start another drive to work, or a dozen other places, and there it is once more, waiting to re-wrap itself around my thoughts and my heart. It is one of the most raw, accurate, and honest love songs I've ever heard.  And that accuracy hits close to home every time I hear it, bringing tears to my eyes. I've seen this battle before.  True, I am absolutely nowhere near marriage, and haven't ever been invested in a serious relationship.  But this struggle has been one I've witnessed for so many other friends and family. My family takes marriage pretty seriously, and they are great examples of how to "make it stick".  Both sets of grandparents p...

The big WHY of YASC

So at this point, the blog has still not gone public, so I feel like I'm lecturing to an empty room as it were, but I know it's just a matter of time before others will be reading some of my ramblings.  With that in mind, I wanted to dedicate a post to this questions I've been getting a lot since telling people of my acceptance to the Young Adult Service Corp (YASC). Why? Such a simple question, such an extraordinarily complicated answer. I suppose the easiest answer for me to give is that I can't not  go.  When I look back on all the lovely blessings I've been given by God, and all the terrifying struggles He's helped me through, I can clearly see that the path I've been walking, although it seemed aimless and wandering before, was a bee-line for mission such as this.  When you first tell your family that you want to move to who-knows-where for a year serving the church and the response is, "I figured you were gonna do this years ago.  It's a...

On your mark...get set...snooze

How is it already March??? I could have sworn that I just started my new years resolution a few days ago, and yet here we are at the cusp of spring break already.  There's so much to do, and I'm sure time will fly, so here's the major things on my mind: YASC-provisional acceptance has been granted, and my background check paperwork has been mailed in.  I now have to wait for it to clear, then I should be ready to start prepping and fundraising in earnest.  I'm in the process of booking a meeting with 5 of the most influential people in the diocese to talk next steps, goals, and fundraising; in case you couldn't guess, it's a bit of a logistical nightmare to get them all together at once.  Meanwhile, I am going to present this decision to the youth group members tomorrow night, the church on Sunday, and friends around the diocese and country after that.  Lots of details to cover, but many graces and blessings to be found along the way. Summer Camp- as a head ...